Continuous delivery is an approach which
ensures that any version of the system is releasable at any given time without
panic. It aims at frequently and faster
delivery. The concept of continuous delivery is tightly related to continuous
integration. It is a software development practice by which the team members
integrate their working modules more frequently, resulting into multiple
integrations per day. The goal here is to put the customers in control of the
software releases.
Continuous delivery can be achieved by
- establishing a collaborative work
culture among all the people involved in the delivery process
- and by automating all the possible
phases of the delivery process.
One such important phase of a continuous
delivery process is continuous testing. Continuous testing can be considered as
the bottle neck for continuous delivery. It involves applying the methods and
practices of agile development into the testing process. Automating this phase
of testing has its own advantages, which improves the efficiency of the
software in the long run.
There are some major advantages of
automated testing mainly related to continuous reuse of the test scripts.
Selenium is one of the most widely used open source automated testing solution.
It provides a suite of tools by which web browsers can be automated across many
platforms. It can be used in conjunction with continuous integration for
automated testing of the web application via test scripts. It provides the
following features:
- Continuous regression testing
- Faster feedback to developers.
- Unlimited iterations of test case
- Supports Agile and other extreme
development methodologies.
- Defect reporting
The entire Selenium testing
suite is a rich set of test functions, which are highly flexible, providing the
ability to compare expected test results with the actual behavior of the application.
By integrating Selenium scripts for testing, development team can achieve
end-to-end software testing. As it
supports a number of programming languages, it can be easily integrated into
the existing IDEs for the continuous delivery process. Tests can be run in
parallel, user activities can be recorded which can be played back later. They
can also be saved as exportable files for later use.
The implementation of Selenium in a
development process can vary and follow different pathways to ensure that the
best user experience is delivered. It starts within the development process
where developers use it to test the functionality of their code. Once these
codes are ready for pre production, dedicated teams for Quality Assurance use
these test scripts and modify the parameters as required. In the production
environment, the operations team can reuse these tests for acceptance testing
and other post production monitoring. Thus, Selenium provides an effective test
strategy incorporating all elements of test optimization further accelerating
continuous integration, delivery and deployment.
Selenium components provide a very
powerful mechanism for browser test
automation. It allows multi-browser, multi OS Testing. Thus, it helps
to achieve important improvements and enhancements in productivity.
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